At the beginning of each week, I share a Tarot card on social media. The card offers questions and thoughts for self-reflection. I believe in self-reflection and the Tarot is an excellent tool that can be used to support that. Spirit nudged me to start sharing how I use them as a spiritual practice.
The intention of these weekly posts is to inspire self-reflection on a global level.

Someone may come to you this week and ask for support. You are a master at your craft. Share your knowledge and share the wealth. How can you help support others with your gifts and talents this week?
Personal Musings:
My gifts and talents include, listening to Spirit and sharing from that space. This is a reminder to listen from that space in each interaction I have with others this week. I would like to become aware of when I’m listening from my personality and inserting my opinions and judgments and when I am listening while connecting with Spirit. I would like to have Spirit guide my interactions with others this week. I know that when I succeed in doing this others will feel loved unconditionally and fully supported. This week, I commit to paying attention to when I'm connecting with others and allowing Spirit to guide me and when I'm connecting with others and allowing my ego to guide me.
If you found these thoughts helpful, leave a comment below. I would love to hear what this card brought up for you.
