Recently a friend told me about a book she was reading. After she told me about it, I got a very clear message from Spirit to order the book and read it. The title made me think of a workshop I had attended 20 years ago in San Diego. Sure enough, the author was the same woman that led the workshop.
I had just asked Spirit my next step in having a relationship in my life. And I heard Spirit's call.
I ordered the book got it and am 3/4 of the way through. I checked out her website and signed up for an upcoming workshop about the book. When I signed up for the workshop I received the audio version of the book I had just purchased as well as the prequel. I finished listening to the prequel yesterday.
The premise Alison Armstrong focuses on is how to have a lasting partnership with a man. Her teachings are game changers and humbling. Wow! It is totally rewiring my brain.
Earlier this week, I got to practice some of what I had read and heard. I was able to see how I had shut myself off to receiving a man’s energy. Again…Mind blowing!
I heard Spirit's call and was so happy I listened!
On Saturday morning, I got to the dog park and realized I forgot Bella’s leash. She usually just walks out to the car with me and gets in and I carry her leash. It had slipped my mind to grab her leash that morning.
As I realized that and was standing in the parking lot, I looked up and saw that a man had gotten out of his truck and was looking my way. I smiled and said, “I forgot my dog’s leash at home.” And then, I waited. I wanted to practice receiving whatever this man would offer. One of the things I’d discovered in reading The Queen's Code was that men like to offer solutions and help women. In that moment I chose to give it a try.
I opened a space for him to offer his thoughts rather than becoming an island and trying to figure it all out on my own.
He smiled back and opened his truck door. “I have extra leashes, here take one.” I kept smiling and thanked him. He was at the park for a totally different reason and his dogs were at home.
I said, “I can leave it on your truck door when I’m done.” And he said, “Can you throw it in the back of my truck?” I smiled, agreed, and thanked him. I then let him know that his kind gesture saved me from having to drive home and Bella would be able to both play at the dog park and walk around the park afterwards. He smiled and told me he was happy to help. And I could totally feel the energy coming from him that it made him happy to help.
He was there to meet with a “rucking” group. They were walking around the park with weighted backpacks. He walked towards his group and I walked towards the dog park. Bella played for a while and then wanted to walk around the park. We passed by this man’s walking group twice and both times he smiled and waved.
Suffice to say, this wouldn’t have happened without the reminders in the books. I knew how to soften and receive.
I’m including a pic of the book and a pic of Bella and the leash in this blog. Did you notice how the colors on the cover of book match the colors of the leash? I heard Spirit's call. And that was Spirit's way of telling me that I’m on the right track.
If you would like some support hearing Spirit’s call and having confidence in your ability to listen to it, book a session with me. I’ll hold a safe space so that you can gain clarity by learning to trust it again. I promise you, if you work with me, you can do it! Click here to book a session today:
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