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I Choose an Open-minded Mindset Now!

For my mind to be open, I have to stop thinking I know what’s best. I have to stop thinking! Lol. When I open my mind and allow myself to be guided by Spirit, my life is a whole lot easier. When I let go of needing to control every little thing and copilot my life with Spirit it makes a huge difference. I just got an image of rowing a boat. If I were to use just one oar on one side of the boat, I’d spin around in circles. If I use both oars, I’d move forward. When I try to figure out things on my own, I’m using one oar, my mind is closed, and I’m spinning in circles. When I’m keeping my mind open and allowing spirit to guide me, I’m using both oars and moving forward. I can flip the script when I allow Spirit to guide my choices today.

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