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Rising Above the Overwhelm

The more I use my spiritual tools, the more I rise above and out of my overwhelming emotional funk. When I can rise above the overwhelm, I come to a place of feeling peaceful. When I am in that space, I can once again hear Spirit’s messages.

When a friend walked away from a friendship without really communicating why, I made many stories and explanations up. I defaulted into being a victim. As a result, all the stories that I made up were stories of me being hurt or stories of how wrong she was. I was not wrong for feeling the way that I did, and she was not wrong for the choice that she made. But my inner victim didn’t see that in that moment.

I have been saying a daily prayer about it and doing some journaling. Feel free to download the prayer and use it if you are currently involved in a dispute or falling out with someone.

The consistency of saying the prayer, journaling, and a few other practices have helped me rise above the overwhelm. The other day as I was walking (another spiritual and physical practice of mine…get those 10,000 steps in!) I was shown a different perspective of the situation.

These practices have helped me comfort my own inner victim and rise above the overwhelm. They have also helped me feel compassion toward the part of her that is in overwhelm. Maybe she will come to that same understanding and maybe she won’t. All I can do is trust that this situation showed up to offer a deep healing for me and my inner victim and it is making me more loving for those around me.

My deep desire is to feel compassion, patience, and acceptance for my own and others overwhelm and rise above it. That’s where I’m at with it this week.

17 pounds down. Here’s to shedding heaviness on every level!

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