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Weekly Reading: Five of Swords

At the beginning of each week, I share a Tarot card on social media. The card offers questions and thoughts for self-reflection. I believe in self-reflection and the Tarot is an excellent tool that can be used to support that. Spirit nudged me to start sharing how I use them as a spiritual practice.

The intention of these weekly posts is to inspire self-reflection on a global level.


Take a look at how you are trying to sabotage yourself this week. Stop poking the bear. Lol. Let go of the need to be right and your energy levels will be restored.

Personal Musings:

One of the biggest ways I can sabotage myself is through isolation. I convince myself that I need to "go it alone" or that "I'm better of by myself." That can show up both personally and professionally. It has taken practice to connect with others and feel safe. It takes me out of my comfort zone to collaborate with others successfully. I feel comfortable leading and throughout my life I have shifted from creating a dictatorship to teamwork within the groups I have led. After all, I like things to go at my pace and feel frustrated when I have to adjust my timing. This card is reminding me to pay attention to how I am connecting with others this week regarding needing to have things go my way. If I decide that my way is the right way, it means that I have to win and someone else has to lose. Who is the one that will feel defeated and alone in the end? Me.

If you found these thoughts helpful, leave a comment below. I would love to hear what this card brought up for you.

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