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There’s No Place Like Home

This week I gave myself permission to take a break. One of my best friends came to visit and I wished to enjoy the week with her. I gave myself permission to take the week off. This was the first time that I had taken time off and stayed in Wilmington. I was allowing myself to have a "staycation."

In the past my vacations centered around work trips, retreats or visiting friends and family. I have lived in Wilmington for almost 8 years. Allowing myself to take a week off and enjoy what my town had to offer was not something that I had ever thought of doing. Until last week. And I have to say, I really enjoyed myself.

Flowing through the day without an agenda and doing whatever we felt like doing was a treat. Gone were the confines of a schedule. There was a freedom around doing things when we wanted to do them simply because it was fun to do them. Allowing my friend, Connie, to choose what she wished to do and seeing the familiar through her eyes was a treat.

I find myself now wondering what keeps me from doing that in my normal everyday life. I'm not talking about giving up my job. LOL. I love what I get to do. What I am talking about, is letting the need to schedule everything go and allowing myself to be in more of a flow. There was an ease and joy throughout the week. I was more present than I have been in a long time. I got to see old familiar places as though for the first time. I would like to live from this space.

How can I do that?

By flowing with whatever Spirit sends my way and seeing it through the eyes of acceptance and love.

Taking a staycation this week was a true gift on so many levels. The time that I got to spend with Connie was something I will always treasure. The memories we created are something that will bring a smile to my face for years to come. My friend, who has become my Wednesday morning phone/coffee date, was here in person. Hearing and witnessing the camaraderie, communication and connection that she has with her husband, showed me that loving and fun relationships do exist. Thank you, Spirit, and Connie, for allowing me to witness this.

Spending time with her nonstop showed me that I could spend time with a significant other on a daily basis without wanting to tear my hair out. And the moments of quiet time we spent comfortably together were absolutely heavenly. I’m currently typing this as she is sitting on my sun porch with me, enjoying the breeze and the sounds of the birds.

Unconditional friendships are not something that I take lightly. I am truly grateful for getting to experience time with Connie while getting to relax into enjoying my home base this week. I received a triple blessing of feeling at home in myself, at home with my friend, and at home where I live. And I did that without the need for ruby slippers!

I had the experience of learning that there truly is no place like home.

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